The B2C Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA) eCommerce market opportunity
The MEASA region is a $89.4 billion e-commerce market (spending in 2019), projected to grow at CAGR 18.4% to reach $148.5 billion by 2022.
The report provides a comprehensive overview of the e-commerce sector in the MEASA region that covers 29 countries. The report presents original market analysis, accounting for the COVID-19 impact on the global and regional e-commerce. This study includes an in-depth outlook on the opportunities and challenges of e-commerce in MEASA, top 100 B2C product companies operating in the region, success criteria and checklist, and the role of Dubai CommerCity freezone in providing a robust e-commerce ecosystem.
The report features interviews conducted with executives from top B2C companies in the region including Mr. Geoff Walsh, Country Manager DHL Express UAE, Mr. Hadi Raad, Regional Head of Digital Solutions Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (CEMEA), VISA and Mr. Firas Ahmad, CEO Azam Pay.

MEASA regional eCommerce

At US$ 89.4 billion, the MEASA eCommerce market equates to 2.5% of the global B2C eCommerce market. While relatively a smaller portion, the region’s eCommerce market is experiencing a staggering CAGR at 18.4%, higher than the global 16.6% growth over the 2019-22 forecasted period. South Asia represents the largest sub-regional eCommerce market size, with India the largest eCommerce country by sales in the MEASA region at US$ 45.7 billion sales in 2019. GCC is the fastest growing subregional eCommerce market over the forecasted period 2019-22, where Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates (UAE) take lead at 39% and 38% CAGR, respectively. African markets (Sub-Saharan and North Africa) are also showing strong potential, covering at least 19% of the regional, MEASA eCommerce market share in 2019.
Despite these growth factors, there remain acute challenges that must be overcome for the MEASA e-commerce market to reach its full potential. Much of the region is still a cash-based economy, where 62% of MENA’s online shoppers prefer cash-on-delivery payment method. This is
primarily lead by lack of trust on online payment and financial illiteracy. Another pressing issue is underdeveloped logistics, increasing the last mile delivery time and cost.
Top 100 MEASA B2C eCommerce companies

The MEASA region is home to some of the leading global eCommerce players. The report presents a unique list of the top 100 B2C eCommerce companies operating in the MEASA region, offering B2C eCommerce products.
The list is ranked based on unique visitors from MEASA, and collectively the top 100 websites represent 1.94 billion monthly unique visitors from the region. Out of the 100 listed, 79 companies are based in the MEASA region which is a strong signal of the local eCommerce development and opportunities.
15 key success criteria and growth checklist
The report presents a B2C product eCommerce value chain framework, with five main components: product/sourcing; eCommerce platform; logistics/distribution; customer engagement; and support services. Based on a thorough analysis of the eCommerce opportunity, success stories and challenges across the MEASA region, 15 key success criteria and technology opportunities have been identified and mapped across the eCommerce value chain. Readers will also find a practical growth checklist with key questions and considerations from the report to help them leverage the region’s vast opportunities.

Full report can be downloaded from Dubai Commercity website.
Great insights into the booming MEASA eCommerce market and its $89.4 billion potential! Understanding such opportunities is key for businesses in the region. For anyone troubleshooting tech issues like errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=could not find the specified shortcut.&errorcode=4, addressing them promptly can ensure seamless operations in this competitive space.
The MEASA eCommerce landscape presents tremendous opportunities for growth, especially with its projected CAGR of 18.4%. As an eCommerce web designer, I see the potential for innovative platforms that can enhance user experience and build trust, particularly in a region where cash-on-delivery remains prevalent. By addressing the unique challenges and leveraging local insights, we can create robust solutions that cater to the diverse needs of this dynamic market.